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Visiting the colourful prison!

Today, I visited our beloved school, SDB - Sekolah Darma Bangsa (the colourful prison I called it). With Ninda Agistia, Oktaria Triranti, and Faraztya Purnama Sari.
Miss them so much, miss Gauss class, miss the school, miss the teachers and staffs, miss the juniors, and all the parts of SDB!

We meet and greet the teachers, juniors, look around, they have been many changes apparently! Yes, SDB always changed every year. I can't imagine if someday, maybe 10 years later I will visit SDB, all changed! A lot of new teachers there, because every year they have the new teachers. Even the principal has been changed. Huaahhh, what a rich school! Hhahahaa.

We also join the class again! Hhahaa. We join on Conseling class with Ms.Mirra, our (Gauss) homeroom, in Galileo Class. Miss that moment, when we must studied to prepare National Exam. Hhahaa, but it's the past. And we play UNO with Mr.Fajrin! Miss this moment too, when Gauss gathered for play this card. Hhahahaaa amazing!

Ohya, I just saw our year book. Hmm, not bad, but also not good. Yah, doesn't match with our expectation actually. Hhahaa, but it's oke I think. At least, it can remind us the memories and the fun time of us, with Gauss, the founder member. Really really want to come back school!