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Fashion Luncheon at School: How I got my JOB! (Alumni)

Giorgio Armani

                                            Edge, Elegance, and Glamour...Something like a boss bitch :)

 fabulously standing on fifth ave.


I admire this simple sketch because I've been creating my own

I love how she toned down the besty dress with a jean jacket...I'm so going to embrace this style with my lace black and gold cocktail dress!!!

Now this a store designed to attract it's consumers by it's visual merchandise, product, and interior design! You just have to walk in when you pass by it...believe me you can't look away and keep walking.

Betsey Johnson Runway

Today--- I sat in on a fashion meeting with many girls that have been successful after school at Fisher College. They completed all four years at fisher college and the majority of them have became store managers, own their own clothing stores, work for very high end designers, and are working their way up to Buyer positions in the fashion industry. So maybe I shouldn't say this but I feel like it's a key element to what is also very important to the facts of life. These girls that sat before us were all white. There wasn't not one black girl that returned to speak to us about her success in fashion after Fisher College. I didn't know how sincere the companys were about diversity but must I add that they all worked for Betsey Johnson for one point in their lives. Indulged in many interships for things like Gucci, LV, Georgio Armani, and Betsey J. but at the end of the meeting I asked one specific girl that was a familar face exactly what it was like working in retail in such a high position at the age of 22. She responded it was a love hate relationship...it's a lot of work---this was coming from someone who graduated at the top of her class and was known as a strong worker...often multi-tasking and working her ass off at two jobs after school at one point in time. Now the fact that there wasn't not one black girl there to represent and explain to me heart to heart and connect with me 100% about how much HARDER we have to work to get recognition set me back a bit. The girl that owns her own clothing store and works along with her friend had me worried as well...she looked very tired. Very stressed as she spoke she gave outstanding advice---they all did---but I looked at how she slumped in her seat and looked worn out....(thinking)....smh. I guess because I hope to open my own store someday I read off her stress and tried to imagine that being me. She's also a mother and married. So I could understand there must be alot of caois in her life.

      I'm trying to *Man Up* as my friend would say...and take on an internship next semester with the help and connects that my teachers have offered to many students.   Let me explain my goals one more time....to be a stylist...like these girls to work my way up in retail and also have that as back up so I could work as a coporate or even store manager one day. The store manager of more than one store. I would like to work with designers like Max Azria and actually work one on one with him. That man is a GENIUS and he's not stopping for anything. ( I can't wait to complete my project on him, I plan on perfecting it and sending it to him!!!), I've already called for an internship with him and hope that my teachers will back me up! However, I know it's time to apply to all the colleges Im interested in that are located in NYC. HA! I can't wait to take on the challenge...and finally some real intense kind of competition the type I can learn from. So yea I plan to do it all...I could settle with being a celebrity stylist but I figured once I have that I will move onto opening my store. Girl I have it down pack so I have to act on it...STEP two of Stephen L. Carter's definition of intergrity. lol. That's in my head, I just finished the paper! But anyways these girls made me come home and think even harder. Now Im planning on going to work tomorrow to work extremly hard for the recognition and to declare that I will NOT burn my bridges...I WILL BE THE BEST WORKER there in order to move on up the ladder! As a keyholder I'm still training which is stress but I'm looking forward to becoming a manager over the summer. I for one know how to speak up when necessary! So yea I will be that black girl going back to Fisher and telling them how instead of transfering to Simmons or completeing all four years at fisher I MOVED to NYC and completed school out there! Then traveled for a bit...networking. Went to work and conquered the FASHION WORLD...BLOGGING every step of the way!!! ***But the point of this all is*** I need to bus my a** with getting work done...so sorry if I don't have alot of blogs completed. & don't mind me if I seem MIA to many...I am. It's all about work and school rightnow...I'll play later! Like they said, "I promise it'll all be worth it!" Yea it has to be worth it...you have to make it worth it though...that's all up to how hard you work for success that you DREAM of!

BETSEY'S BARBIE COLLECTION: two of the girls I met today got to attend fashion week with Betsey! OMFG I thought..
     Mood: Today I'm very happy because I completed my paper on the trend report for my group's presentation. Some how I was on top of my game last week though I was crazy busy--->I reminded my partner we had a presentation today the 12th...and so we sat together while she worked on another one of our fashion projects collecting pictures for our power point presentation on the 1990's...I completed the paper on the trend report. Walked into class prepared though I forgot that we had a presentation today! Somehow I pulled it together and amazed my teacher with the information I gathered on the stores like Jimmy Choo, Bebe (I hate), and Cache ( I absolutely hate). She said veryyy good job and I rushed to my seat with the biggest smile. We did such a good job though one of the girls for our presentation was absent.
Im so happy...I can't wait to see that grade. Now I have to knock them dead with my scrapbook presentation on the Comtemporary and Historic Designer!!!

Results: we got a 95->A, (presentation grade) emailed to us from our teacher! Our Trend Report was that GOOD =]