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Friends are families!

When I found you
I found me
I was no longer alone
I was put together
There were no missing pieces
We were the perfect puzzle
On lookers envied what we had
We had so many beautiful memories
That they're not even possible to forget
That part of my life was my life
The life I loved

-- Jessica M. Ward --

After 6 months I know my friends in FKG, I think now I better know their character one by one. Well, of course we can't judge the person within 6 months only. But approximately it shows the overall.

Basically, they are very funny. I always laugh everyday when we meet, talk, and spend my time with them. We are also help each other. Although we are from the different culture, ethnic, and religion. But we are one here!

Do you know when I wake up late, Valent calls me to woke me up!
Do you know when I come late to campus so I didn't to sit in front, Mega and Indah will always reserve me the chair!
Do you know when I want to sharing or gossip, Ary and Oddie always listen to me!
Do you know when I need the advice, Yanti always gives me the wise advice!
Do you know when I need debate partner, Evi is the right person!
Do you know when I want to hang out around, Henny will accompany me!
Do you know when I had a hard task, they also help me!

But, one that I regret is, they always and always comment on my outfit! Hhahaha, I don't know why, maybe they look me weird. Well, I never hurt. And apparently, they are familiar with my style, and my stupidity. Hhahaa, puas deh lo pada ngetawain gue!

Especially me, as a foreigner here, who haven't families. I realize that I'm nothing without them. Maybe I'm a lucky person to have friends like them. Not just who has been mentioned above, but also all of you, who also always complement me. Once again, I have to say THANKS TO YOU, Guys!

FRIENDSHIP is not about benefit, but it's how to mutual understanding, respect, and help one another. How we can see the friendship. Not just a friend, but more than that, we are family!

PS: This post is dedicated to all my friends!