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I love this, I love that too!

Some stories can be formed by friendship, every gossip, laugh, and satire.

Lepas dari Gauss, gue pikir mereka emang gak tergantikan. Yess, gue kangen banget ama Gauss. Mereka keren, mereka lincah, mereka gaul, mereka solider, dan diantara kita jg udah gk ada yg namanya malu2 an lg ama sesama Gauss. Dari mereka lah gue pertama kali belajar untuk gak jadi orang yg pasif, belajar di dunia ‘remaja’ sebenernya.

Tapi ternyata, memang kita gak boleh cuma terpaku sama satu kelompok. Kayak gue, yg udah jauh dari kota asal gini, pasti jarang ketemu lagi sama mereka. Yah, kita semua udah berpencar kemana-mana! Bahkan nentuin waktu buat bareng2 lagi aja susah.

Dan sekarang, gue punya temen2 baru. Oke, mereka emang gak se-gaul Gauss, gak sekeren Gauss. Bukan maksud gue ngebanding-bandingin, tapi memang kenyataan nya temen itu berbeda! Tapi, mereka adalah pemerhati yg baik. Hahaa, anak2 FKG jangan ge-er deh baca ini. Walaupun ‘perhatian’ nya itu agak sedikit ekstrem, alias lebayyyyyyy.

Begini contoh perbedaannya Gauss dan FKG:

# Dalam hal fashion,

Kebetulan hari ini gue pake pakaian yg sedikit aneh,
“Dress, laen kali jgn pake kaos kaki hitam kalo pake baju itu, gk cocok, bla bla blaaa bleh bloh bluuh akdhjfwejdifeopwakafaskjbei.....” (penting bener komentarnya?)

“Kau lucu kali pake ini-itu, hahaa, kayak anak TK.”
SEE? Disini komentarnya gak ada yg ‘membangun’!

Sedangkan dulu, Gauss pernah menasehati gue sewaktu gue kurang pede dengan apa yg gue pake (waktu awal2 ber-eksperimen dgn fashion),

“Gak apa2 sih Dress, nyantai aja. Bagus dong kalo lo ada kemajuan kan, pede aja mau kata orang apa kek.”

“Dress, gaya lo keren kok. Sip2, gue suka gaya lo.”

“Fashionista ya Dress, hahaaa!”

“Dress, kapan2 yok buat fashion blog gitu? Kan lo biasa tuh.” (yg sebenernya gue gk tertarik buat fashion blog, hahaaa)
Yess, Gauss selalu memberi dukungan ke gue! Of course, gue bakal tetep ber-eksperimen dengan pede, gak peduli pendapat orang.

# Dalam hal pelajaran,

FKG selalu memberi informasi/masukan tentang tugas ke gue.
Banyak anak yg males masuk, terus minta TA (titip absen).

Gauss selalu bertanya ada tugas apa aja.
Banyak anak keluar-masuk sekolah sesuka hati, tanpa peduli absen ataupun permission letter palsu.

# Dalam hal pergaulan,

FKG gak tau tempat2 nongkrong asik, yess kita anak rumahan!
Teman2 mereka hanya sekitaran USU, dan teman2 lama di SMA.

Gauss selalu tau tempatnongkrong, bahkan lounge!
Teman2 Gauss adalah anak2 gaul di Lampung, anak breakers, penyiar, club mobil, anak band.

Dari perbedaan2 itu, gue belajar banyak hal, gue nyoba berbagai hal. Gue pernah jadi anak yg lumayan ‘gaul’ dan gue pernah juga jadi anak ‘rumahan’.



Daaann persamaan mereka, terletak pada blog ini, dRezuecism:

“Ihh, bagus lah dress blog mu itu. Isinya keren2 kali.”

“Dress, kalo ada voting, aku vote deh blog mu!”

“Lucu kali foto2 mu di blog itu, hahaha!”

“Dress, blog lo keren lho!”

“Gue baca lho dress blog lo, hahaa, mantap!”

Hahaaa, I love dRezucism, cinta deh gue ama ini blog!

LIBUR, dengan alasan yg sangat gak penting!

Actually I like holiday. It means I can get up later than ussual, and of course I don’t need to meet the ‘annoying peoples’ in campus!

Gak kerasa, hari ini udah hari ke-2 libur! Dan gue bakal libur sampe hari Rabu. Yoii, gue LIBUR coyyyy. Aneh kan? Katanya lagi ngejer ujian, katanya lagi ngebut materi, tapi kok malah libur?

karena ruang kuliahnya lagi mau DIPAKE!
Gila kan? Ini universitas top, tapi kekurangan ruangan! Mahasiswa di-LIBUR-kan karena ruangannya dipake buat pertemuan! Ckckck, lucu memang.

Keluhan laen,
yang bener aja sih se-kelas muridnya ada 200-an orang! Yaelah, bisa belajar apa coba gue? Asli, yg kayak gini tuh udah gak efektif lagi buat belajar-mengajar. Jadi, kalo udah didalem ruangan tuh, gupek, sempit, bau ketek, pengep, berisik. Wahh, gak asik lah inti nya! Mungkin alasannya sama, 'GAK ADA RUANGAN'!

Inikah universitas yg termasuk TOP Indonesia? Oke, gue tau memang masuknya susah banget, gue juga ngerasain kok perjuangannya. Tapi setelah masuk, begini ternyata keadaan sebenernya?

Kadang, gue sempet ngeliat foto di FB temen2 gue yg laen, mereka kayak yg pamer2 kampus nya gitu deh. Yah, karena gedung nya bagus2. Mewah, bersih, rapi, gedung baru, pokoknya cucok banget deh boo! Hahaha, bukannya gue iri sih. Maklum aja, mungkin mereka mau nunjukkin universitas mereka yg memang fasilitasnya bagus itu. Gak apa2 kali, malah bagus bangga akan universitas sendiri kan?

Gue gak iri kok, sumpah! Gue sendiri udah pernah ngerasain gedung baru di SMA juga, jadi ngapain iri? Dari awal, gue emang gak mau milih universitas yg MEWAH, karena kuliah di tempat begitu berasa gue kayak di penjara kemewahan. Gue pengen universitas yg kelihatan ASRI, dimana gue bisa ngeliat ijo pohon2 gitu deh. Tapi yah gak yg jelek2 juga. Alasan laen, mungkin karena gue udah bosan dgn susasana kemewahan itu di SMA, jadi pengen nyoba suasana baru, yg lebih sederhana tapi asri.

Tapi kenyataannya, sesuatu yg sederhana ternyata gak lebih bagus daripada yg mewah! Mungkin gue harus bertanya-tanya sekali lagi,

Salah gak sih gue milih universitas ini?

Kajallutchminarian wallpapers - miss-india-2010-photos-pictures

Khaleja movie wallpapers

Khaleja movie stills & wallpapers

Autum (Fall) / Winter 2009 / 2010 Fashion Trends pictures

Autum (Fall) / Winter 2009 / 2010 Fashion Trends
As the world slowly pulls itself out of an economic depression, the Fall 2009 (Autumn 2009) season will largely define what 2010 fashion will look like. From over the knee boots to capes and cloaks, our fashion trends guide for the colder months of 2009 and 2010 will help to keep your wardrobe sorted, and your looks on the cutting edge.

Over-the-knee boots: these are the must-have item for Fall 2010; but those daring enough will find the tops of their boots creeping up even higher with thigh-high boots also making it mainstream. From elegant suedes to darkly futuristic wound-and-bound leathers, the options are many and various.

Ripped thights and Stockings: Our wartime female counterparts would never have imagined this day; where laddered stockings are not only acceptable, but fashionable. The ripped stocking trend is a close cousin of the ripped denim trend, a step towards a new era of neo-Grunge.

Fall fashion trends: Majestic lingerie of Simone Perele for the Fall Winter 2010-2011


Baroque, majestic, and very decorated intimate clothing is the key element of the Simone Perele collection for this Fall Winter 2010-2011. The collection includes several lines, all of them inspired by the splendor of the charming haute couture world.

Healthy healthy and fun!

There’s fun walk today, and I decided to join it although the rain this morning. And more importantly, I’ve appointment with my friend to pick her up.

The event is High School Festival (HSF) 2010 in parking lot of Deli Plaza, should be start on 6 am. But I woke up on 6.30! Huahh, it’s too late. I washed my face and capcuss directly to pick Ary up.

The HSF's Poster

We got their T-shirt! Cool.

Yess, we (me and Ary) were late successfully! All the participants are already started walking, even we met them in the street! So shame, because the committees were look at us! Good.
But finally we found the shortcut way to overtake them. Hahhaa.

The name is ‘FUN WALK’, but I didn’t feel anything that ’FUN’ there. Hmmph I know, because of the event is for the High School students. And we are not! Hahaha. They had the modern dance and tee design competition too. But I’m not interested at all. So, we went home earlier. At least, I feel the ‘fun walk’ that I never felt before. Hahhaa, when in Lampung, I never join the event like this.

We also met Alfina and Winda there (from FKG)!
We took the photos together.

Fina, Me, Ary, and Winda

Is this really a big city facilities?

Huuahh, after all this time I search the information about the organization. Finally I found the real sport club in campus! I relieved enough for this. But I think there are also many problems should be fixed by this city.

Oke, seenggaknya gue ada kegiatan sekarang. Tenis! Yess, gue kan udah lamaaa banget gak latian. Dan akhirnya kemaren Selasa gue mulai latian. Lanjut ke Rabu, dan Kamis hari ini di sms trus suruh dateng lah. Katanya sih bakal ada yg penting apa gitu tauk! Sebenernya sih besok disuruh maen lagi agaknya, cuma gue males ah! Ntar sabtu aja lagi. Hehhee.

Mungkin karena lama gk latian, permainan gue jadi jelek. Mungkin juga karena lapangannya yg…
Coba tebak?

Bukan Grass Court (rumput)
Bukan Hard Court (semen, granit)
Bukan Clay (tanah liat, gravel)

Tapi ini PASIR! 

Iya pasir beneran! Aneh kan? Memang, di Sumatera Utara jenis ini lah yg paling popular. Yah, gue yg ngerasa gak biasa maen di lapangan pasir gini jadi jeleeeekkk banget maennya. Gak tau ah semua pukulan gue kayak ilang semua gitu. Mana sakit semua tangan kaki gue, pegel2 bekas kemaren! Becek gitu kalo abis hujan. Maen di lapangan pasir, berarti gue harus sering2 ngesot. Yah selanjutnya gue bakal beradaptasi dgn lapangan ini.

Kayak yg dibilang Bang Ilham,

"udah tau jelek dibenerin lah dek maennya!"

"yaelah bang, ini juga mau dibenerin! cuma kan gak bisa singkat bang!"

Begitu gue cerita sama Om Ronny (pelatih gue di Lampung), kita jadi ngobrol2 lah,

“kalo maen di pasir, pake sepatu jelek aja ce!”

“wahh, saya dari lampung udah bawa sepatu yg lumayan baru lagi om.”

“yaudah gak apa2. Nanti malu lagi kalo dokter yg pake sepatu jelek.”

Hahhaa, anjriiitt disindir gue!

By the way, sebelum nya gue udah pernah lari di stadion. Asli, sepi banget lapangan bola nya! Beda deh ama lapangan bola unila, yg pagi2 aja kadang suka ada ibu2-bapak2 senam pagi lah, atlet2 bola lari lah, rame disitu. Nah ini, paling cuma maen bola gitu2 doang orang2. Huahh gak rame mah gak asik!

Yg bikin gue heran adalah:

Kenapa di kota sebesar Medan ini malah lapangan tenis nya lebih merupakan ‘kemunduran’ daripada Lampung kota kecil?

Kenapa juga stadion nya gak memenuhi standard nasional?

Dan pertanyaan lain yg sangat penting,

Kenapa di USU, yg merupakan universitas terbaik di Sumatera, gak ada UKM Bahasa Inggris?
 Unila aja ada lho! Jiahh, masa kalah sih lo?!!

----->>> In fact, this is my university! But I’ll learn to accept that’s all. Hhaha, iyalah. Gue anak baru aja berani kebanyakan cerewet komen ini-itu tentang kampusnya sendiri. Udah lah, terima2 wae.

Be creative with the shoelaces

Suddenly, I found the new idea with shoelace. The colorful shoelaces can be transformed into a cute belt, and anything!

Easily to make it:

1. choose 3 of them
2. braid it
3. bunch it tightly

Braid it neatly


Furthermore, you can express it creatively. It can be used for belt, headband, necklace and hand-wrist. Check it out, let's try!





PS : I wore it to the campus in this morning. Hahaha, and many peoples are look at me, maybe I look like a weird person. Even some people think it's very tawdry. But I don't care anymore!

It's not about personality, but it's fashion mood. Yaiiyy!

The Hottest In Mens Fashion Rings Collections

Mens Fashion Rings 2010

Until recently, a lot of men shied away from expressing themselves with jewelry, and some even balked at wearing a wedding ring. But in recent years, men’s fashion rings have really taken hold. As demand has increased, so has the selection of interesting styles.

Hollywood celebrities and hip-hop musicians have played an important role in the phenomenal rise of men’s fashion rings, and men’s fashions are never far behind. But you don’t need to be a superstar to wear today’s most popular mens rings. A diversity of styles is being worn by men today, and it looks like this is one trend with staying power

Hottest Trend This Summer is Teen Girl Maxi Dresses

Teen Girl Maxi Dresses 2010

You will find that there is such a large variety of dresses that one can buy for their teen from here. Even while most of the parents of the teenage girls accompany them for shopping the actual choice is made by the girls themselves.

This summer make yourself most fashionable by getting yourself a maxi dress. Teen girls and even women are wearing long cotton dresses instead of the shorter ones that have been worn in previous years. These maxi dresses are available in a lot of lengths as well despite the fact that they will look best when taken till the ankle length or like a fall to the floor.

Summer Fashion And Men’s Choices

Men's Summer Fashion 2010

When it comes to those warm summer months everyone looks forward to the summer attire. The women because they get to show off their good taste in their choice of clothing, and the men because they don’t feel so weighed down with the winter business attire.

So really what do most men consider a good summer wardrobe? The answer to this of course depends on the men. For the younger men the jean shorts always seem to find their way into the wardrobe. At least one pair and most often this are for knocking around the house in. They are great for working outside.

They are cool and comfortable and if they get stained or dirty its really no big deal. Lets face it the jean shorts do tend to make their own fashion statement in a small way. They seem to create that rough rugged look that so many women find attractive.

Now the cut offs really do need to go. It doesn’t matter how frugal you are trying to be by getting the most out of your clothes this is one item that is just too outdated. When it comes to the summer attire men seem to have the capability to make their clothing set a theme. For example a pair of white Capri pants with a silk plain short sleeved navy blue shirt makes one want to go sailing with this gent. Then the kaki casual dress pants and polo shirt strikes up the thought of a good game of golf. Perhaps though the man in the dress shorts with a paisley shirt would be good company to go on a sight seeing adventure with.Men's Summer Fashion 2010

Men seem to be able to and definitely want to express themselves through their summer wardrobe. Perhaps because through the warm season work pressures are a little lighter with many of the bosses being away on vacation and business slowing down a bit for the same reason. It’s the time when a business man can just loosen up a bit and wear some of the clothes that give him a sense of freedom.

Totality, will not fail again

Actually, I don’t want to post this into the blog.
Asli, sebenernya sih gue males bikin postingan tentang dentistry gitu. Hahaa, bukannya apa, tapi kok berasa sok pinter aja gue nya. Baru juga masuk kemaren! Tapi, scara gue butuh semacam ‘reminder’ buat nyelesain makalah PI yg sampe skarang blom gue buat, nah gue berasa perlu posting ini. Gila kan, berasa udah senior aja pake bikin2 makalah segala! Yahh, emang sekedar post aja sih, gue belom berani ngomentarin apa2 deh.

Oke, dari kemaren gue udah browsing cari bahan, dan mikir kira2 apa yg bakal gue jadiin topik. Gue udah dapet topik yg bagus, up to date, dan keren sebenernya menurut gue. Tapi, karena topik yg gue anggap keren ini berhubungan dgn teknologi terbaru, jadi susah nyari referensi nya. Apalagi, mata kuliah dosen PI orang hebat gitu deh, salut gue ama dia. Dan dia gak mau kalo cuma dari sedikit referensi, jadi harus dari 4 sumber yg berbeda (misal dari internet, jurnal, text book, tesis, Koran, dsb). Begitu kemaren gue ke perpustakaan, gue dapet beberapa pilihan topik lagi agaknya.

The topics include:
- Invisalign (kawat gigi transparan, yg sekarang sering dipake artis2 gitu deh)
- Flossing (memakai benang gigi / dental floss)
- Bleaching (pemutihan gigi)
- Pengaruh penyakit anorexia dan bulimia nervosa terhadap kerusakan gigi

Dari pilihan2 itu, gw jadi semakin BINGUNG mau pilih yg mana! Masing2 tuh bahannya cuma dikit yg gue dapet, dan gue menganggap smua topik itu menarik. Nah lho! Dan setelah kemaren gue liat2 text book, internet, dsb. Tau gak gue dapet apaaa? Guess it!

Kelainan-kelainan pada gigi

OH MY GOD, mampus gak lo! Gue lumayan ngeri ngeliat nya! Jadi lemes. Huahh, gimana coba ntar kalo jadi dokter gigi? Hahaa, parah kan. Mungkin gue harus sering2 liat yg kayak gini, bukan cuma ngeliat gigi gue doang.

Kesulitan laennya adalah, gue mumet baca JURNAL! Kalian tau gak sih isinya apaan? Jurnal bukan majalah bergambar, bukan bulletin, tabloid, sagala macem. Tapi isinya kumpulan laporan hasil penelitian orang2! Nah makan deh tuh!

Gue sadar, emang gak gampang jadi dentist. Gue sendiri masih bingung kenapa gue ada di jurusan ini. Tapi jangan kalian pikir gue terpaksa lho, nggak kok ini sama sekali bukan paksaan org tua! Ini 100% kemauan gue dgn dukungan ortu jg tentunya. Gue cuma gak habis pikir seorang DRESIANI MARETI bakal jadi perawat jigong orang! Hahaa.

Yah apapun sebutannya, gue tau kewajiban gue. Gue harus melewatinya sebaik mungkin, biar sukses. Well, gue pernah gagal sebelomnya. Gue pernah pengen jadi atlet tenis, bahkan kesempatan itu udah di depan mata waktu itu! Tapi yah, karena gue latihan maen2 dan gak serius ngejalinnya, jadi atlet gak bakalan mungkin! Sekarang sih, tenis cuma bisa jadi sekedar hobby. Gue tau betapa kecewa nya ortu gue yg udah support gue abis2an dulu, dari materi, waktu, sampe motivasi. Dan gue gak ada perubahan! Tapi yah tetep aja, ujung2 nya gue kalah juga di pertandingan, dan gue kalah, menang sekali2, kalah, kalah terus, gak ada perubahan!

Sakit hati?
Gak ada lah perasaan sakit hati yg jauh lebih sakit selaen kekalahan. Tapi gue inget quotes bijak,

“kekalahan sebelum keberhasilan jauh lebih baik daripada kekalahan setelah keberhasilan!” --- anonymous.

That’s right!

---->>> Jadi sekarang, gue gak mau gagal lagi. Oke, gue emang gak bisa memenuhi cita2 gue dulu jadi atlet hebat. Tapi besok, semoga gue jadi dokter gigi hebat! Amin.

When I can go home?

I don’t know whether I should be happy or not with the last holiday, it was a very short holiday! Actually I like to go to campus, but we need more holidays to take a rest, to gathering with our families, to meet our high school friends, and to celebrate The Ied Day. Oh ya although it’s a little bit late, I want to convey Happy Ied for everyone who celebrate it! Minal Aidin ya. Give me the cakes yaaa! Hahaa.

Previously, I thought that I didn’t go anywhere. But suddenly I find the promo ticket to Jakarta when I was browsing! So, I booked it quickly. Went to Jakarta, go to my Grandma’s home again and again (well, Jakarta become my destination when I got the holiday. Always! And it happened again! So boring!) Although for 3 days only, but at least, I met my families!

There, we just went to mall and mall (yah, kalo itu sih di Medan jg banyak! Ngapain lah jauh2 ke Jakarta kalo cuma ke mall doang?). Luckyly, my sister and I went to Dufan in the 2nd day. Just two of us! Predictable that was very crowded because of the holiday! So, we just play a few games, and took the photos more. Heheee!

I went back to Medan earlier than they went to Lampung. I remember the time when I left my home 2 months ago. When I got the notification that I passed the university in USU, and I decided to accept it. I packed my suitcase in a hurry, and left my home quickly also! There was no time to say good bye with my home, with my pillow and bolster. And it was very surprised me, at the same time it makes me homesick! Because I never imagine to continue my study here before, Medan. And sadly, I’m just going to go home until the end of this year. Huahhh, it’s still very long!

---->>> I miss the KMB's Gathering Day in Brastagi today, because of practicum. Again, I miss my opportunity to go to Brastagi!

Top ten Most Fanned celebrities on facebook

There have always been events in the history of Mankind which renders a touch of immortality to the eras in which they occur. There have been wars, socio-cultural movements, religious reformations and even literary or artistic uproar in the form of the Renaissance and many more that would keep illuminating till the Doom’s Day.

If the 21st century is ever accounted for something remarkable, the predominance and popularity of the social networking sites will be definitely one of the contenders.

Over the years, since February 2004 Facebook has been a leader among the social networking sites. Its popularity even led celebrities to have their personal webpage. This helped them to openly interact with their fans coupled with regular of their concerts, movies, sport feats and many other features.

Elements of life such as scandalous lifestyles, criminal and drug abuse cases or even fatality has not been able to tarnish their popularity.

Here are some of the popular faces among Facebook celebrities who have broken all records of fan following.

10. Lindsay Lohan

She is a vivacious model, actress and a singer, all packaged into one. But with a legacy of family troubles with parents who are undecided about their marriage life couldn’t be free from controversies for Lindsay.

  • She began her career at the age of 3 with Ford Models that was followed by other top of the line modelling assignments with Calvin Klein, Pizza Hut and Abercrombie Kids among others.
  • She, however, managed to evade the paparazzi only to meet with multiple car crashes and survive injuries.
  • She was arrested on one occasion after a car crash on account of driving under the influence of alcohol and possession of cocaine.

Lindsay Lohan may have hit an all time low or needs to convince her producers and directors but she does not have to do the same with her fans as a figure of 105,127 in Facebook looks robust as it is.

9. Mel Gibson

We all know Mel Gibson, ‘the maverick’, for his multifariousness.- As an actor, producer, director and a screenwriter. However, there is more to him than what meets the eye.

  • Media has a record of the statement he made in an inebriated state and domestic violence.
  • Gibson stated in an interview with ‘The Playboy’ that President Bill Clinton was a low level opportunist in 1995.
  • Mel Gibson has been accused of spewing a vile Racist Tirade against Oksana Grigorieva in 2010which went as “If You Get Raped By A Pack Of N***ERS It Won’t Be My Fault”.
  • A man who began drinking at the age of 13 has been charged with the same on several occasions.

Also, reputed to be a mastermind in jokes and pranks, Mel Gibson surely knows the way to the hearts of a strong fan following of 109,352 on Facebook.

8. Rachael Ray

She is a gourmet queen with multiple cookbooks and shows to her credit.

  • She was born to parents of Italian and American origin in Massachusetts USA.
  • She pioneered the concept of 30 minute meals.
  • In the year 2003 she posed in men’s magazine named FHM. She ranked 71 in FMH’s list of 100 sexiest women in 2006. Her portrayal led to controversies.

However, she continues to rule the hearts of her fans with a Facebook following of 280,115.

7. Tiger Woods

One of the all time best that the game of Golf has known Eldrick Tont Woods was born in 1975.

  • The present numero uno in Golf rankings, Woods is also one of the most successful sports professionals in the world with the maximum number of Grand Slam victories.
  • In the year 2003 he married Elin Nordegren. They have two children – a girl and a boy.
  • In 2009 it was rumored that Tiger Woods was having an affair with a nightclub manager Rachel Uchitel. Shortly afterwards Woods met with a car accident that he was driving himself.
  • The following claim was a two and half year relationship that was made by San Diego cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs. She produced text and voice messages in which Woods requested her to change her phone number as his wife had got a sniff about their amorous relationship.
  • Several other claims of extra-marital relationships and subsequent fallouts with sponsors and endorsements led Woods to issue an apology in 2010 where he admitted to his infidelity.

It is reported that Woods admitted to his wife that he had 120 affairs. Considering his record breaking stints with the game of golf and love it is not unusual that his Facebook fan following amount to a figure of 1,423,545.

6. Madonna

Madonna Louise Ciccone was born in 1958 in Michigan. With countless hits to her credit like ‘Papa Don’t Preach’, ‘Like a Virgin’ and ‘Like a Prayer’ among many others she is regarded by her fans as a living legend in the pantheon of pop music and a true diva.

  • She was always in news for her dare and bare acts on stage (maybe off stage as well!) and music videos throughout her career. Criticism only made her more resolute in her adventures.
  • Early in her career she developed a fashion style statement with lace tops and fishnet stockings, jewellery with the crucifix and known to have a penchant for bleached hair.
  • There were protests against her album ‘Like a Virgin’ that was stated to encourage pre-marital sex and undermine family values.
  • She was featured nude in Playboy magazine with some of her earlier photographs taken in 1978.
  • Her maiden books was titled “SEX”.

Madonna may have taken an undeclared hiatus from her celebrity magic but her Facebook fan following remains at 2,100,210.

5. Usher

Usher Raymond IV started his musical career around the nineties and rose to fame. There are several hits to his credit and success seems to always have a helm of controversies for celebs.

  • Usher’s relationship with TLC member Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas broke after two years in 2003 when she claimed that he had cheated on her during that time.
  • The same message could be apparently felt by her fans in the lyrics of Usher’s album called ‘Confessions’ that followed in the same year.
  • In the year 2009, he filed for divorce from his wife all of a sudden claiming that they were living separately for over a year. This was strongly refuted by friends and family members, saying that they were never separated and lived in Atlanta until March 2009.

We may never know the reasons behind the moves of his mind but he has a fan following of 2,698,924 in Facebook.

4. Britney Spears

She forayed into the world of music and instantly became a teenage star icon. Life has been a roller coaster ride for this beautiful singer.

  • She was born as Britney Jean Spears in 1981.
  • She kick started her career as one of the most successful entertainers in the world.
  • She married childhood friend Jason Alexander in 2004 and dissolved it within a span of 55 hours.
  • She married dancer Kevin Federline in the same year in September.
  • In September 2005, she gave birth to her first child – a baby boy. She was photographed with her son seated on her lap as she drove with one hand in 2006. Fetched her criticisms from horrified child advocates.
  • She had a second child in 2006 and filed for divorce from Kevin Federline in November of the same year.

Britney Spears has been subject to a flurry of controversies, culminating in her losing custody of children due to medical treatment and rehabilitation resulting from her involvement in drugs abuse. Her Facebook fan following remains at 4,034,680, nevertheless.

3. Cristiano Ronaldo

A footballer with millions of fans, Cristiano Ronaldo is a star footballer with of Real Madrid.

  • He received libel damages from Daily Mirror that spoke of him getting drunk in a nightclub.
  • In 2010 Ronaldo became a father to a baby boy. The identity of the mother is however unknown.

In 2010 Ronaldo became the first sportsman to reach a $10 million mark on Facebook, the first celeb outside USA to have done so. However, he had a forgettable 2010 FIFA World Cup, with Portugal bowing out in the round of sixteen.

2. Lady Gaga

  • Lady Gaga was born as Stefanie Joanne Angelina Germanotta in the year 1986. She took her name from the popular number of Freddie Mercury of pop group Queen called Radio Gaga.
  • She can be categorized as a star with an outrageous fashion style statement of her own that draws even more attention than her popular music.
  • She is considered to be a popular icon among the gay community.

Lady Gaga has always maintained her bisexuality as less than a well kept secret, just as much as maintaining a strong fan following of 15,634,240 in Facebook.

1. Michael Jackson

He was a child star who went on to become an icon. He continued to rule the stage of music as a teenager and as an adult.

  • Best Selling Album included Thriller, Bad, Off the Wall, Dangerous and History
  • He was believed to have bleached his skin excessively for a fair complexion. In 1993 during his interview with Oprah Winfrey he admitted that he had vitiligo.
  • In the year 1993 Jackson was charged with child sexual abuse. He was accused of sexually molesting Jordan Chandler by his father.
  • He was charged with child sexual abuse (paedophilia) case for the second time in 2003 on the basis of video evidence.

Michael Jackson passed away under mysterious circumstances yet to be unravelled. He is survived by 3 children and a huge legacy and a 18,497,798 fan following in Facebook. The number is increasing.