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Together with Junior High School friends

Today, I’m hanging out again with Fransib’s students. Different from last day, now I go with my junior high school friends. They are Lily, Cathy, Yuli, and Jecklin! Miss them so much. We have not met since I moved to SDB.

They are still the same. We laugh, laugh, and laugh all day long. And you know how we laugh, very loud like in the jungle! HHAHAHAA, like hillbilly! We still talking aloud, still tomboy (although more feminine than before). But there is something different from them. Lily and Yuli look thinner now. Hmm, what a good diet!

Our appointment is at Pizza Hut Lotus. Because I’ve already eaten before, so I don’t eat pizza anymore. It just wastes money, right? Fear of fat also! Hhehee. We laugh about our photo in JHS, when we still tawdry! It’s look so different now when we get older.

Then we went karaoke at Invis (Inul Vista). Scream louder, sing many songs! Jump, dance, and party! Wow, so memorable. Yaahh, High School is never end, friends! Ultimately, I noted at the time we went from 3 pm until night, around 7 pm. Ckckckk, what a today’s girls!

And these are the pics:

The disco lamp, yeayy!

The expressions of us

Cathy is on the house, yoooo!

The song: Mau dibawa kemana by Armada Band

 The prisoners, aren't we?