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My Fashion Photography 2009

Model: Nadia
Photographer: Ashley G.

"...we worked together styling the wardrobe for this picture...it was fun. She has a great eye for fashion and is a fashion student attending the same school as me. This was taken in Sephora. She stands confidently trying to purchase a bottle of, what is considered, perfection!" ~Ashley

                                  In this picture, we were outside of the prudential mall. We just left the mall after shopping for the shoot on a $500 budget at Zara and came across some highwaisted black slacks. This was another fun shoot. We had to create a WORKING GIRL theme and so she's leaving a long day at the office and decides to head to the mall! -Of course because shopping is therapy! ---->

....Again Nadia and I worked together to create this  look that is all about personality. This one was very fun! We found a beautiful spot behind the mall and off Mass Ave. She poses with confidence in a outfit that happens to scream IM A BOSS. We were so excited when we came across the feathers. We paired it with a black corset, a sequenced skirt, and a belt with gramets, and we left her hair out wild and fun. This was our last shoot for the project!!! We felt so accomplished when we completed it.

Libur lagii slesai midtest!!

Blakangan ini gw keki sndiri lhoo. Prasaan nyokab gw jd protektiiif bgt akir2 ini.. Gk tauq tuh knapa. Qlo gw skolah, pasti dtanyain pulang nyah jam brp, trus perlu bawa nasi apah nggk, atau makan dmn ntar? Qlo gw jawab gk tauk, pasti ntar ditnyain lg, kog gk tauk? Yah mana tauk lhaq saiia mamiii!!
Tp yauda lhaq, walaupun keki, sbener nyah mami gw itu baeq bgt lg!! Mgkn terlalu lebay ajh mnurut gw, dan gw emg gk suqa dpt perhatian byk2 gt.. Biasa nyah ajh gk prnh gt kog.. Gw suqa jd org yg bebas!!

Huff,, akir nyah libur jg dehh.. Slesai mid test, qt maen2 di rmh Sayori.. Mkn2 ajh di rmh dy itu, kue nyah kann banyaaak. Anaq2 shegauss jg poto2 dehh,, dpt swater baruu!! Hhaha. Bgitu tauq libur mulai tgl 15,, gw seneng bgt!! Krn gw tauq mereqa temen2 gw dr skolah gw dlo, baru mulai libur tgl 18.. Hhahhaha.. Jahadt bgt iiah gw?? Nggk koq,, gw bkn jahat sama temen2 gw nyah.. Tp gw ini lg nyindir skolah nyah, koq ngasih libur pelit amadt?? Hhoho.
Kyk biasa,, gw libur mao ke Jakarta lg nii. Halah, bosen dehh ksono mulu.. Emg lumayan sii drpd liburan di rmh ajh.. Paling nggk gw seneng perjalanan nyah yg jauuuh itu.. hhoho.

Oooiiah, ini kann bln September.. Kyk taon kmrn,, byk party bulan ini!! Hhhaha.. Minggu ini gw ada 3 undangan,, minggu kmrn jg, 2 minggu yg lalu ada 2 undangan jg!! Haduh, beli kado skalian 1 lusin.. hhoho. Berhubung ini bulan puasa, jd byk yg ngadain buka bersama jg.. Party truus deh kerjaan saiia skarang.

Yaudah sgitu dlu ajh iiah.. Ntar kpn2 gw crita lg qlo lg pengen nulis2.. hhoho.