Model: Kiara
The Vision: "This represents the sexy fashionistas in the city that dress up everyday while on the go, they don't stop a second to think oh maybe I will throw on some sweats today...she poses in her neighborhood on a hill and watches over her busy city, while taking charge and clearly catching your eye...demanding to be NOTICED (why she stands poses in the street)!" ~Ashley
With this model I brought out her inner glow. I always thought Cherelle was really tall because I'm five two and she towers over me. She's a cool chic, my friend from highschool and when I had to produce some emergency work for my photography class she was the first model I thought of and she was down as if I had experience...but we were amazed with the final pieces and this was taken right in the halls at school. In the middle of boys walking by and fenway...and then someone threw a hersey kiss on the ground in the middle of us taking the pic...its photoshopped out in the other copies but this was the first I found to post, lmao. HIGHSCHOOL BOYS smdh I dont miss them at all.