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Engagement Rings Pictures

Engagement Rings
Engagement Rings
Engagement Rings
Engagement Rings

Engagement Rings

twitter 'em ♥

@msnatij && @gorgeousikon
-sitting pretty back seat cruising through the city, LOL :)

This fabulous Diva has me tearing up on twitter...she's hilarious and on point with every tweet...
She must have 1 million retweets a day....However she's fly & gorgeous.

@gorgeousikon && @ellustriouse...venu!
...many people have messaged me about my dress the word's out, it's american apparel...
Ed. is fly & cool as hell! Plus he's a hard worker...ladies check him out, follow this youngman!

Gara2 insomnia!

Gak tau jg iia sejak kapan gw punya penyakit insomnia gini. Dan agak nya emg udah parah. Tiap hari slaluu baru bisa tidur stelah subuh. Heran nya, klo siang gw tuh ngatuuuk bgt! Klo istirahat di skolah aja gw sering tidur, kadang pas pelajaran jg kok. Yaah, liat2 jg sii apa pelajarannya.

Tapi yg jelas, gw sampe kena marah mamipapi gw gara2 ini! Emang sii, gw jg yg salah sebenernya. Tp kan tetep aja mereka gak boleh dong ngatur jam tidur gw. Gimana jg gw udah dewasa, udah 18 taon! (Bewh, iia biasa aja dress). Masa jam tidur aja msh diatur2? Mereka itu nganggep gw gak sii!

And its make me annoyed with them. Not really, but I feel that. I will not respect them because of it, but I love them very much. I know, when I say __(something)__, it makes them hurt. But I must, to make them understand, to make them realize that they are adult. An adult should know what they should or shouldn’t do. And they may not forbid me about my life even I’m their daughter. They say that they know about dhamma, so they should know to control their emotion right? But yesterday, they shouted loud and angry me. Ckckck, it’s make me didn’t respect them again. But I can’t, I realize that they are my parents. And I will make them proud of me. I love them! And maybe they angry me for only 1 day, tomorrow they can forget it all.

Tadi nya gw pikir mau blajar pas malem2 itu, persiapan jg lah buat tes universitas minggu2 bsok. Tp krn ada kjadian gak enak gini, gk mood deh buat blajar lg. I cry for a minute, but I stopped quickly. Abis itu, gw baca2 buku aja yg gw beli di gramed tadi siang nya. Kbetulan memang ada bazaar murah gitu, jd gw beli buku byk! Mgkn jumat gw mau ksana lg, blom puas agak nya beli buku murah. Hhee.

jadi saiia baca ini td malem..

Emma Watson style Collections and pics

Emma Watson
Emma Watson
Emma Watson style
Emma Watson style
Emma Watson

A few of my favourite things.....

‘Tis the season and I’m so enjoying it!

White Holly Wreath, paper-source.com

I must say that making this list was actually quite tricky as I already have so much that makes me happy…my family, friends, good health, and exciting day-to-day adventures all make me a very thankful person.

But…if I had to, had to, had to create a wish list…these are the things that I’m currently coveting…


1. A fabulous white coat.

Alexa wool coat, clubmonaco.com

2. A great red dress.

Lola silk tee dress, clubmonaco.com

3. A gorgeous evening gown.

BCBG strapless pleated gown, $348, bcbg.com

4. Or maybe two…and special occasions to wear them.

One shoulder crinkle chiffon gown, bcbg.com

5. Basic black boots.

Toradeo boot, $169, ninewest.com

6. Pretty black flats.

Simply You, $79, ninewest.com

7. An organized and beautiful shoe closet.

Shoe storage, via {this is glamourous} at citified.blogspot.com


8. One of my all-time favourite cuffs.

Elsa Peretti bone cuff sterling silver, $725, tiffany.com


9. Joe Fresh liquid eye liner. My new favourite beauty product.

Liquid eye liner, $6, joe.ca

At the Office

10. Notebooks. And many of them.

at Moleskines.com

at jordilabanda.com

11. Books, books, and more books!

Drive by Daniel Pink, danpink.com

Hey Day by Jordi Labanda, jordilabanda.com

100 Years of Fashion Illustration by Cally Blackman, amazon.com

Not a Star by Nick Hornby, amazon.com

Kitchen Treats

12. Tea from Hediard. Visiting Hediard in Paris is an amazing shopping experience. I love to be spoiled with goodies and specialty teas from this shop.

Hediard tea, hediard.com


13. A record player. I’m not picky. Just one that works and looks good.

Jakob Jensen record player, moma.org


14. Well – of course I’d love plenty of airplane tickets for travel! {France, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, India, Morocco…}

Galerie Lafayette, Paris, France

Tokyo, Japan

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Taj Mahal, India


Indian Weddings Pictures and images

Indian Weddings
Indian Weddings
Indian Weddings
Indian Weddings
Indian Weddings

Organic Body Jewelry Pictures

Organic Body Jewelry
Organic Body Jewelry
Organic Body Jewelry
Organic Body Jewelry
Organic Body Jewelry
Organic Body Jewelry
Organic Body Jewelry
Organic Body Jewelry